Steering assistance system X-ACT Track

Simply stay on track. The X-ACT Track steering assistant takes over.

Steering assistants and lane guidance systems have become established in agriculture and in almost every modern car. Once users have discovered automatic steering systems for themselves, nobody wants to do without them. Precision and ease of work are greater than expected.

The operator's attention: The weakest link in area coverage. Dwindling concentration noticeably reduces the area coverage.

RC remote-controlled machines offer considerable advantages in terms of comfort, safety and efficiency in difficult terrain. However, when working on large areas or for hours on end, remote control of a machine requires considerable attention and concentration from the driver. Keeping on track and overlapping the cutting width becomes increasingly imprecise over time.

Automatic steering without thinking too much. Better mowing results, higher area coverage and less fatigue thanks to automation.

Save your concentration and skill for passages that are difficult to mow. For large areas with a simple or medium profile, the automatic steering system takes over the work of precise steering for you. The centimetre-precise RTK positioning enables cleanly mowed lines without loss of cutting width and unmown areas.

Product advantages

  • Established system: Proven steering assistance and guidance systems from the agricultural sector have been transferred to our products.
  • Increased area performance: Precise automatic steering ensures greater efficiency and productivity, especially on large areas.
  • Less fatigue: Reduced concentration requirements and less driver fatigue thanks to automation.
  • Better mowing results: RTK-accurate positioning for clean, precise lines without loss of cutting width and uncut areas.
  • Greater safety and comfort: Safe working on difficult terrain thanks to the support of the steering assistant.
  • Future-orientated: Step towards complete autonomy, with current automation levels of 1-2 and the prospect of higher automation.

From automation to autonomy

In the foreseeable future, fully autonomous vehicles will become established in road transport and agriculture, even if this will still take a few years. Until then, vehicles will be on the road with varying degrees of automation. With the help of its steering assistant, a lane-keeping system can precisely maintain a mowing path and turn independently. The user must first determine the area boundaries and monitor the work continuously for safety reasons (OPC). This corresponds to a degree of automation of 1-2 on the scale going up to 6. Level 6 would correspond to full autonomy.

A-B line repetition:

Points A and B are saved. The entire area is divided into parallel lines and mowed seamlessly. Turning is done manually. It does not matter which line is approached next. The mowing pattern is variable in design.

A-B curve repetition:

The travel distance between point A and B is saved. The travel pattern is repeated in parallel over the entire area. Turning is done manually. It does not matter which line is travelled to next. The mowing pattern is variable in design.

Automatic mowing of a bypassed area

After travelling around an area and the first line, the area is mowed automatically. The turning manoeuvre takes place automatically at the completed boundary line. The user monitors the mowing process.

Automatic mowing according to pattern:

Several automatic programmes are available for the mowing pattern of a bypassed area. Larger turning radii protect the ground. The turning manoeuvre is performed automatically. The user monitors the mowing process.

Development partnership between TOPCON and AS-Motor.

The automation of modern agriculture is in full swing. Sowing, spraying, tending and harvesting are already highly automated and are only monitored by the user. The Japanese company TOPCON is a global specialist in photo-optical systems, surveying and a pioneer in GPS technology. With 70 national subsidiaries and 5,500 employees, TOPCON is a leading supplier of lane keeping and steering assistants in the agricultural and construction machinery industries.

After extensive market research and practical tests, we decided to work with TOPCON. Their systems are already market-ready and in use in large numbers. Well-known references are available. Development, service and support are available to us in Germany.

As-Motor X-Act Track components

  • LED touchscreen terminal for entering and selecting the parameters of the steering assistant
  • GPS/GNSS receiver with integrated computer
  • Mobile GSM Internet module with integrated SIM card
  • Mirrored operation via mobile device

Centimetre-precise navigation

The inaccuracy of the GPS signal is corrected to within a few centimetres using RTK correction data from fixed base stations.


Road maintenance

Maintaining roadways often involves mowing high grass and slopes, two specialties of AS-Motor’s professional technology.


Viticulture, or wine-growing, is one of civilization's oldest forms of agriculture. AS-Motor was founded 60 years ago with the objective of tackling the slopes and thick growth of vineyards.

Commercial landscaping

Performance on rough terrain, perfect cutting results and high efficiency are advantages AS-Motor machines provide to professional service providers.

Gardening and landscaping

AS-Motor’s professional technology offers solutions for the diverse tasks of gardening and landscaping, from outdoor facilities to private gardens, public parks and residential lawns.

Municipal maintenance

Caring for green areas in the civic environment involves a variety of tasks. From parks to roadside management, AS-Motor provides the correct tools to ensure both professional results and operator safety.

Hunting and forestry

In forests and on hunting grounds, mowing can take place as infrequently as once per year or even at intervals of several years. AS-Motor machines are engineered to tackle the thick growth native to these areas as well as Christmas tree plantations.